1. Content: Background, Problem statement, Objective, Methodology, Results and Discussion, and Contribution to Society. Also, include the authors’ names and university/school logo.
  2. Poster size: A2 (420 mm x 594 mm), Orientation – Portrait, Formats – .pdf.
  3. The top section of your Poster must display the following information: Title of your Paper, Name(s) of the Author(s) and Affiliation(s).
  4. The poster should be a clear visual presentation.
  5. Rename your e-poster file according to the following format: ICIEST2024_ INNOVATION ID.pdf.


  1. Content: Background, Problem statement, Objective, Methodology, Findings, Contribution to Society, and Project Demo.
  2. Duration of the pre-recorded video: 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Rename your video file according to the following format (INNOVATION_ ID_TITLE.mp4).
  4. All presenters must submit video recordings in MP4 format. Presenters should be visible in both the video recording and/or within the frames/slides.
  5. All wording on the presentation must be clear and large enough to read.
  6. Prepare a pre-recorded video that clearly shows your face and includes a clear verbal explanation.